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Why Prioritizing Yourself Isn’t Selfish: The Truth About Self Love

For years, many of us have been conditioned to believe that putting ourselves first is selfish. We’re taught to prioritize the needs of others, to give and to serve—often at the expense of our own wellbeing. When in reality, prioritizing yourself isn’t selfish; it’s necessary.  

Self love isn’t about neglecting others or living in self absorption. It’s about recognizing your worth, honoring your needs and understanding that you cannot pour from an empty cup. Here’s why prioritizing yourself is not only essential but also a gift to those around you: 

You Show Up Better for Others

Self love is giving the world the best of you, not what’s left of you.”_Unknown

Think about this for a moment. When was the last time you tried to help someone while you were completely drained? Maybe you were emotionally exhausted, physically worn out or mentally overloaded. How did that go?

The reality is, when you give and give without taking time to replenish yourself, you’re not showing up as your best self for anyone—including the people you care about. When you’re burned out, overwhelmed or neglecting your needs, it’s impossible to give your best to anyone. When you prioritize your mental, emotional and physical health, you become a better partner, parent, friend and colleague. Self love fuels you, allowing you to approach relationships with patience, energy and a full heart.  

Woman Laughing While Sitting on Sofa

You Teach Others How to Treat You

The way you treat yourself sets the standard for how others will treat you. When you prioritize your wellbeing, you send a clear message: “I value myself, and I expect the same from you.” It doesn’t make you entitled or demanding; you’re simply showing others the respect and care you deserve by first giving it to yourself.  

It Builds Emotional Resilience

Life is full of challenges, and self love equips you to navigate them with grace. Prioritizing yourself means taking the time to rest, reflect and recharge. It means saying no to what drains you and yes to what nourishes you. When you take care of yourself, you build the emotional strength to face difficulties without breaking down.  

Self Love is Contagious 

When you prioritize yourself, you inspire others to do the same. Your loved ones will see the positive impact it has on your life and may be encouraged to set healthy boundaries and practice self care in their own lives. You lead by example, creating a ripple effect of healthier, more balanced relationships.

Woman Holding a Crochet and Knitting Needles

It’s an Act of Self Respect

Loving yourself isn’t about arrogance or entitlement; it’s about acknowledging your worth. You matter just as much as anyone else. Prioritizing yourself is a way of affirming that you are deserving of care, love, and attention; both from yourself and from others.  

Letting Go of Guilt

If prioritizing yourself feels uncomfortable or even guilt inducing, remind yourself of this: you are not neglecting others by taking care of yourself. In fact, you are ensuring that you can be present and fully engaged when you do show up for them. Self love is not exclusion; it’s inclusion. It’s making sure you’re included in the care and compassion you so freely give to others.  

Woman in Brown Button Up Long Sleeve Dress

Start Small  

Prioritizing yourself doesn’t mean overhauling your life overnight. It can start with small acts of self care:  

  • Taking 10 minutes each morning to reflect or meditate.  
  • Saying no to commitments that feel overwhelming.  
  • Spending time on hobbies that bring you joy.  
  • Asking for help when you need it.  

The Bottom Line

Prioritizing yourself is one of the most selfless things you can do because it allows you to show up as your best self in every area of your life. Self love is not a luxury—it’s a necessity. It’s time to let go of the guilt and embrace the truth: prioritizing yourself isn’t selfish; it’s a profound act of love.  

So, take a moment today to ask yourself: What do I need right now? Then give yourself permission to meet that need, unapologetically. Because you deserve it.

Picture of Adeife Adeyeye

Adeife Adeyeye

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