As well as writing, talking and listening I think it’s also just as important to ACT! So this week’s blog is more of a challenge than a read.

This challenge is designed to open your mind to the true meaning of wealth and what money actually is. For so long, wealth has been portrayed as cash and possessions so we have been conditioned to think of wealth in a certain way.
These next two days will challenge you, on what you think wealth is and hopefully help you to understand what money actually is.
The first part of the challenge is that on day one, you will have £10 in cash or the equivalent in your own currency. These notes or coins are the only thing you are allowed to eat or drink on that first day other than water. (obviously i am not suggesting that you actually eat the notes or coins, more like when you feel hungry have a look at them and see what use they are to you in helping to remove your hunger).

On the 2nd day you can use the £10 or the equivalent amount in your currency to purchase food for the day.
During the course of the challenge it may be useful to take notes on anything that becomes apparent to you.

For example
What use was the money on day one?
What was actually of more value to you? The money or goods purchased?
Or did anything else that comes to mind?
Feel free to get in contact with us about your thoughts and we look forward to expressing our findings in the next blog.