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The Journey into Wealth

The meaning of wealth

Nowadays when people use the word wealth, they tend to mean finance and money. For example we have wealth management funds which handle our money,

and the wealthiest people in the world are measured by their net worth.

 As you can see below from the primary source(s) of wealth column.

The current definition of the word wealth in the Cambridge dictionary is “an abundance of valuable possessions or money”. And on the number one definition is, “a great quantity or store of money, valuable possessions, property, or other riches”.

When we understand the history of the word Wealth, we can see its true meaning and understand why we should strive for wealth. 

So originally “Weal”  since the dawn of English, referred to well-being; it stems from wela, the Old English word used for well-being; which is also closely related to the Old English word well.

The “Th” means state or condition.

 So when you put them together the original meaning of wealth is the “condition of well being”.

While possessions and money contribute to our well being, there is a lot more to well-being than that. For example there is physical health, mental health and Loving relationships. 

Now you hopefully have a better understanding of what is meant by the word wealth, and what it is important. We did so we started The Journey into wealth website.

Be sure to follow us on all our social media platforms, as I am sure we will help you on your journey, to achieving your  goals and desires.

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