Blogging Should Be Fun !

The Journey into Wealth


  • Practice Forgiveness: Forgiveness is a powerful act of self love and a form of emotional care. Forgiveness is like a big hug for ourselves and others. 

There are times when you’ll find yourself doing the wrong things and you may end up beating yourself up about it because you forget that things won’t always go the way you want, these were probably times when you were ignorant about certain things or the days you felt you weren’t good enough.

There would also have been times when you have said so many negative things to yourself when you shouldn’t have and times when you’ve intentionally hurt yourself for the sake of others, forgiving yourself for times like that is crucial! also make sure to learn  your lessons and be willing to become better.

When you forgive yourself and others, you free yourself from the burdens of resentment, anger and pain, allowing space for healing, growth and self-compassion.

Forgiveness liberates the soul; it removes fear. That’s why it’s such a powerful weapon.” – Nelson Mandela

Forgiveness is like taking care of yourself. It helps you feel happier and more peaceful inside.

When you forgive, you make space for good things like joy and love to come into your life. It’s a way of showing yourself and others that you deserve kindness and understanding, even when you make mistakes.

By embracing forgiveness, you honor your worthiness and cultivate a deep sense of love and compassion for yourself and others.

  • Positive Affirmations: Positive affirmations are like reminders that tell you how valuable and capable you are.

They’re like saying “I love myself” or “I can do this!”

It’s all about loving and believing in yourself. When you keep saying these affirmations, they help you fight against negative thoughts and feelings about yourself. Instead of putting yourself down, you start to feel more compassionate and confident. Positive affirmations are like a tool that helps to build your self esteem and trust in yourself. They work by changing the way you think deep inside your mind.

 Your mind is like a recording machine, storing everything you think and believe about yourself. So, when you keep repeating positive affirmations, it’s like you’re rewriting the story you tell yourself, replacing old, negative thoughts with new, uplifting ones.

Making positive affirmations a part of your daily routine is simple but really powerful. You can say them out loud in front of a mirror, write them down in a journal, or just repeat them quietly to yourself throughout the day. The more you do it, the more these positive messages sink in and become a natural part of how you think and feel about yourself. As you know, your thoughts shape you.

  • Engage In Self Care Activities: Taking care of yourself isn’t just about fancy treats like bubble baths or massages (even though those can be nice!). It’s about making time to look after your body, heart and mind. It’s realizing that you deserve to be taken care of, just like anyone else.

Self care can mean different things to different people. For some, it might be going for a walk in nature, doing yoga or enjoying a good book. For others, it could be setting boundaries, saying no to things that make them feel tired or talking to someone if they need help.

No matter how you do it, self care is a big part of loving yourself. When you take care of yourself, you recharge your energy and become better at handling life’s ups and downs. You become stronger, kinder to yourself and more aware of what you need.

Moreover,self-care isn’t just good for you—it’s good for everyone around you too! When you’re kind to yourself, you’re better at being kind to others. You’re happier, more loving and more helpful in your relationships, at work and in your community.

So, when you take time for self care, you’re telling yourself something really important: “I matter. My happiness matters, I deserve love and care.”

It reaffirms your inherent worth and reinforces the importance of nurturing yourself amidst life’s demands. And that to me, is pretty awesome.

Question: When did you last take time to look after yourself? How often do you recharge your body and soul? How many hours of sleep do you get in a day? Do you prioritize having your alone time?

To be continued….

Picture of Adeife Adeyeye

Adeife Adeyeye

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